Tradition 7

In keeping with A.A.’s Seventh Tradition of self-support, we accept contributions only from A.A. member In the spirit of maintaining your anonymity, this contribution will not be stored, tracked or associated with your personal information by any means – it only serves to confirm your membership before moving forward.

Area 78

Suggested Security Question: AA Co-Founder?
Answer: BillW

Mail to:
Area 78 Treasurer
P.O. Box 56,
Calmar, AB
T0C 0V0
Make Cheques Payable To: Area 78

General Service Office

Checks in Canadian dollars payable to “General Service Board” may be
mailed to:

Post Office Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, N.Y. 10163

Or visit their online payment page

If you have any questions about contributions please contact our Treasurer by filling in the form below, or read our pamphlet Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix

Contact Area Treasurer