2024, Delegate's Corner

September 2024

September 2024

I love fall with all the color and cooler temperatures, harvesting my garden, grandkids  back to school, so many rituals that mark the passing of the seasons. Fall for me is also a time of introspection, of going within, sorting things out, the business of summer behind me, I prepare for the winter ahead. Eyes and heart wide open. Blankets nearby!

So as I reflect on the all the goings on this past summer I feel so very much alive and a part of something wonderful in Area 78. All the people who put on Roundups to strengthen the connections of our fellowship. All the workshops to increase awareness and understanding on how our service structure works. The holiday time with family that is still evolving into less of that old disfunction! Healing and unity is taking place however slowly.

The September Assembly held in Edmonton was an inspiration! To see the level of dedication and love for our fellowship that you all have. Thank you again. We voted on several motions put forward and one of them to make the Daily Reflections large print available in French! It passed and has been forwarded for consideration to be included for discussion as a Pre-Agenda Item at the 75th Conference next April!

We also voted to provide on our website, under the Members section – private downloads, all the Pre Agenda Items (PAI’s) as they come available to the Delegate. Usually late February. Members can begin to look and discuss these items in their committees and groups as they come available to the membership across the US and Canada! Helping us be more informed through discussions starting at the group and committee level.

We voted to make our Area Committee Meetings Hybrid and to see how that worked! anyone can participate in the Area Committee Meetings and it is a good way to learn about the service structure. Hope to see you there!

The individual cannot survive without the group. The group cannot survive without the principles that the individual places, however hauntingly, into their lives.

The group needs to find a way to express its voice, and experience has shown us that way is through the Group Conscience. This is the best path for us toward Unity and Selfless love, as we saw in our voting, thank you again for your voice and vulnerability. And thank you also to all those who allowed the voting to take place with tolerance and love. All voices are important as we discuss each matter, as we find our way to the best agreement for AA as a whole.

Group Conscience is said 44 times in our Service Manual. So we know this is important! We opened our Service Manuals to pages 166-168 and followed that procedure to conduct our voting discussions, Jeff (Area 78 Chair) did a fantastic job. This is how the voting is conducted at the Conference! We are giving our future Delegates good experience here!

Group Contributions is another important way we express our voice as an Area. We are responsible to those we serve! And the services provided by Area 78 are listed in our budget, Lynn (Area 78 Treasurer)did an awesome job job of showing that we are on track for the budget you vot ed on last March. We still need contributions of $20,000 by January to close with no deficit! Very do-able!

Your trusted servants practice prudence! So thank you for supporting us as we carry out your wishes.

One of the motions we discussed was should we increase funding the Area 78 delegate to go to the Conference. It is a big portion of the General Service Board (GSB)  Budget to put on the Conference each year so that our voices can be heard and our structure that keeps our solution safe.

Area 78 in trying to be more self supporting contributes more than GSB asks of the 94 Area’s. The motion was declined as the membership believes this is a group responsibility. Your splits to the General Service Office (GSO) go towards covering the Conference budget item and in this way each group is responsible for supporting the Structure.

The only reason for the service structure is to protect the solution that has saved our lives. It is our great responsibility to keep it safe for those yet to come!

When being of service to AA we are never out of pocket in expenses. As Delegate all my expenses were fully covered. We do this so that anyone who wants to show their love for AA can be of service. Not just those who can afford it!

The servant is responsible to those they serve. But being of service is an act of love that those they serve cover any cost incurred.

The Final Report arrived at my doorstep yesterday! I will be sending several boxes to Calgary and Edmonton’s Central Office this weekend. You can arrange to pick up for your Districts from there. Also please let me know if you are coming to Calgary so that I can assist in distributing them throughout the Area.

Thank you again for your love and commitment to keeping our structure strong and healthy as together in Unity we protect our solution.

Warm Regards and Loving Service,

Karen O’S C
Area 78, Panel 74 Delegate
Public Information Committee
International/Regional Forum Committee
75th GSC Delegate Chair

“Forget me, but go you and do likewise. Add your own link to our chain. With God’s help, forge that chain, well and truly.” Dr Bob “AA Comes Of Age”

By areaadmin

We ot not be organized to who we serve...

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