If your meeting/group is registered or registering with General Service Office, please fill out the electronic form below (for updates to Website as well as the Meeting Guide App) PLUS you will need to fill out a PDF form so Area and GSO can be made aware of the changes. These forms can be found at the bottom of the page after the electronic form.
If your meeting/group is not registered with GSO then simply fill out the electronic form below.
If you have any questions, or do not know if your meeting/group is registered with GSO or not please contact the Group Records chair grouprecords@area78.org
GSO Update/Registration:
1. If you are a new meeting/group choose NEW GROUP FORM, if you are simply making changes to: contact info (GSR, etc), location or cancellation then choose CHANGES TO GROUP FORM
2. Download form to your computer
3. Submit to Area 78 (button on form)
4. You can use the same form to submit to GSO and Area 78 without filling out a second form.