June 2024
- by areaadmin
Hello Again Area 78! Happy Spring!
I have just returned from our Area Committee Meeting which was held in Yellowknife, May 24-26! Thank you District 35 for looking after us so well with your kindness and hospitality! The land of the Midnight sun is a remarkably beautiful land, wild with the sun still shining way past our bedtimes!
Kind of like us, letting our love and light shine, hope for those still suffering in darkness.
Many of the Area 78 Districts sent their District Committee Members to the ACO to share with each other their experience, strength and hope for our continued growth.
Much like our our twelve steps help us heal and trust and our Traditions help us learn to play in the sandbox together with unity and love, our concepts, though not necessarily 12 step work – make our 12 step work possible. An essential part of our three legacies and I am overwhelmed with gratitude how our Area continues to support the structure that helps us help others.
While in Yellowknife, I gave my Highlights Report of those 7 days in New York where myself and the other 92 Delegates discussed, recommended and considered the Agenda Items we had all talked about at our March Pre-conference Assembly.
Please feel free to invite me to come to your group or District to read my report to you as well as to offer you the opportunity to “Stump the Delegate” with any questions or concerns you may have.
I have been thinking about the culture we have in Area 78, my service sponsor said to me before I left to go to New York with your precious voices, “Don’t worry Karen, you were raised in the culture of Area 78 and you know more than you think you know!”
I recognized that culture in other Delegates who participated in the process of our evolving group conscious by speaking and listening with love and open-mindedness. Respectful discussions include voicing and listening to others perspectives without attachment. Such wisdom here. Our Structure remains safe, yet leadership remains a vital need.
I ask you to consider personally your part in the role of leadership in our service structure. On page 37 of the Service manual is Bill’s insightful description of leadership. It’s a quick read, full of inspiring direction as you wander along your recovery journey.
The only way to grow is to have experience, and the only way to have experience is to say yes. Step two says, say yes, to being open to evolving your best self through your higher power. One of our past Area 78 delegates said the reason she likes people in service so much is they’ve got some of their rough corners rubbed off! And sometimes as you find and remain true to your voice, a corner gets rubbed right off! Only through having experience does that get easier!
Saying yes to the work with as much discipline, respect and integrity as you’re capable of. And though this work is sometimes hard and challenging, the pay is good! We get to grow and stay sober! And you don’t even need to be perfect at it!
Saying yes also means you get to meet new people who, like you, have a deep love for what our common solution has brought them. We find Unity and Fellowship by coming together to share that deep love. Gratitude in Action!
Fear is also a lot of work, and our experience shows in tradition 2 that fear breeds intolerance and disunity. Love is also a lot of work. Yet love grows trust and tolerance.
We are all teachers, no matter what we are doing, someone is noticing what your actions are bringing you. We are responsible for ourselves now. For our own personal peace as well as to carry our message to those who still live without an inner light.
We often say the responsibility pledge – “I am responsible when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there and for that I am responsible.” Think on this, kindly grow yourself and help others, say yes and be a light. Shine.
Happy Spring! Plant your garden, sow your seeds, tend your weeds, nurture it with the light of love and the generosity of healing tears.
Two things further! There is a Western Region Grapevine Challenge to increase awareness of how much growth and change has taken place with that little meeting in print! It is now a downloadable read and audio book, has pod casts and so much more!
area78.org is your passport to fun camping adventures over the summer! Post your events on the Calendar! Check the calendar frequently as there are always new events and information being posted!
Warm Regards and Loving Service
Karen O’C
Area 78, Panel 74 Delegate
Public Information Committee
International/Regional Forum Committee
2025 Delegate Chair