August 2024
August 2024
Hello Area 78!
Your Area Committee sends our thoughts and prayers to all those who have experienced loss due to the fires and storms that have been so active in our Area this summer.
As Bill W writes on page three of As Bill Sees It – “Believe more deeply. Hold your face to the Light, even for the moment you do not see.”
“Problems are like washing machines, they twist, they spin knock us around a whole lot, but in the end we come out cleaner and brighter and softer than before.” I guess that is what is meant in our Big Book by capitalizing on problems as an opportunity for God to show his omnipresence.
So news from your Delegate!
On our Area Website at you will find some new information!
There is a Flyer that announces the Conference Advisory Action to publish our newest book – The Plain Language Big Book: A Tool for Reading Alcoholics Anonymous! This will be available November 1st for $11.00 or by e-reader for $8.95.
There were two new PSA’s regarding Young People in AA that were released and are now being shown during option times on several media outlets across our Conference Area. You can view those on our website as well. You will also be ale to find several Area and Western Region events are coming up.
The GSO financial quarterly report has been posted. As well as our 2024 Final Report on Connecting with Love, Service and Unity is out as a PDF file you can take a look at it, I hopefully will have the report available in published form at our Area Assembly September 13, 14 and 15th in Edmonton.
The Agenda and full information for the Area Assembly is also on our Area 78 Website.
This is our business Assembly where we discuss some of the findings of the Ad-hoc committees on Insurance coverage for our Area and Hybrid Assemblies.
If you have any issue you would like to be discussed at the Assembly please send our Area Chair a written motion. Those forms can also be found on our Area 78 website under the information heading – Forms.
Agenda Items to be considered for the 75th Conference will also be considered at this Assembly. If you have something you want discussed by the conference its best to first vet it through the thoughtful process of the Area Group Conscience. We love having these kind of discussions!
Group Conscious votes are the best way to discuss any issue at all! All voices are needed for us to find the path forward on any issue facing us. Please know it is your responsibility to help us find that path by speaking up on things you hold dear to your heart.
We are not afraid nor are we intolerant of all the voices as they help us come to the most informed decision possible. And once the vote is taken and the results in we all share in the glory or share the stink…together as Rio Delegate in Area 79 likes to say!
After the Assembly in September there are many District events to participate in keeping our fellowship engaged, continually growing and evolving towards that ever elusive goal of being the best we possibly can be. It seems the work of recovery is never done.
We have our Area ACM January 17, 18, 19 in Calgary. Then I go to New York as Delegate Chair Jan 31- Feb 3 for the January Board meeting where we will look at all the Pre-Agenda Items and discuss which ones will be on the Agenda for the 75th Conference!
Then February 7, 8, and 9th 2025 is the WRAASA in Winnipeg! It will be held at the Sandman Hotel and registration will be $40.
Then in April 11-13 will be our Pre-Conference Assembly in Red Deer! Before I head off back to New York with our voice April 27- May 3.
I will be taking part in the Area 79 Election Assembly this September 6-8th and afterwards meeting with our Western Regional Trustee to discuss ideas for the Hospitality room that we will take an active role in decorating and hosting for the International Convention coming up next June 2-6 in Vancouver BC Registration opens September 10 at 10 AM MST. Once you are registered you will be directed to the house page where you can request the type of housing that will fit your needs.
Please check out the “News” section on your Meeting Guide Ap as it has highlights from GSO and the most up to date releases coming out of GSO.
I feel so fortunate to be able to participate in in some of the events that promote the Unity in our Area, all of us are now free to be able to live full and busy lives, with purpose and meaning! How incredibly blessed we are. I have been listening to Amanda Marshall’s “Believe in You”. Fills my heart! Give it a listen and fill your heart as well.
Warm Regards and Loving Service,
Karen O’S C
Area 78, Panel 74 Delegate
Public Information Committee
International/Regional Forum Committee
75th GSC Delegate Chair
“Forget me, but go you and do likewise. Add your own link to our chain. With God’s help, forge that chain, well and truly.” Dr Bob “AA Comes Of Age”