Current Chair: Jamie M.
What is the Grapevine Committee Chair?
The AA Grapevine is entirely self-supporting through the sale of the magazine and related items. It receives none of the group contributions sent to the General Service Office.
The Mission of the Grapevine Committee in Area 78 is:
- To develop awareness of the many benefits that can be derived through the Grapevine and La Viña (Spanish version) subscriptions.
- To encourage individuals and groups to subscribe to “our meeting in Print”.
- To encourages our Members to contribute articles, photographs, illustrations and cartoons for publication.
- To keep Area AA members informed of ongoing Grapevine activities.
Self education is important for those involved in Grapevine service work. All members of the Area 78 Grapevine Committee are encouraged to download and read literature on promoting the AA Grapevine, and use it to be better informed on AA best practices in regards to Grapevine issues. The following is some suggested reading:
- Guidelines for contributing to Grapevine
- The AA Grapevine Statement of Purpose
- History of the AA Grapevine
- A Guide to the AA Grapevine
The Grapevine Committee is responsible for the following tasks:
- Provide a display at the Area assemblies, meetings, and other AA events (when requested) which informs our membership of the Grapevine and other items available.
- Keep the AA fellowship in Area 78 informed of ongoing Grapevine activities.
- Have our Members become familiar with the AA Grapevine web site (
- Constant improvement to the content of this page, to keep it current and relevant.
Provide information about AA to professionals who deal with problem drinkers in the course of their work.
Develop awareness of our “meeting in print” and other Grapevine materials. Encourages members to contribute stories to the Grapevine, and to purchase subscriptions to increase circulation.
The AA Grapevine is the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. Written, edited, illustrated and read by AA members and others interested in the AA program of recovery from alcoholism, the Grapevine is a lifeline linking one alcoholic to another.
Widely known as a “meeting in print,” the AA Grapevine communicates the experience, strength, and hope of its contributors and reflects a broad geographic spectrum of current AA experience with recovery, unity, and service. – From “The AA Grapevine Statement of Purpose”, reprinted with permission of AA Grapevine, Inc.
Committee Composition
The committee consists of the Chair, and current DCMs and GSRs who are assigned to the committee by the Area 78 Registrar for their two-year term of service. Others selected for the committee may include past Area 78 officers or long-time members recommended for their knowledge in Grapevine service work. Area 78 visitors may participate on this committee, but they do not have a vote.
- Ensure that the Committee functions properly, with an appointed recording secretary.
- Facilitate full participation during meetings.
- Make certain that all relevant matters are discussed.
- Insure that all committee decisions are recorded in the Area Minutes.
- Report directly to the Area Assembly on pertinent committee decisions.
- Travel to and present at workshops in the Area, upon request.
- Transport and set up the Grapevine display at Area 78 Area Committee Meetings.
- Sells Grapevine items at all Assemblies and Area Committee Meetings, ordering all items from the Grapevine Office in New York.
- Keeps Treasurer apprised of net worth (gain/loss) before each Area 78 Assembly or ACM.
- Produce a synopsis of the background information on the Conference Agenda Items assigned by the Delegate for the Pre-Conference Assemblies.
Send an email to the Grapevine Chair by using the contact form below.
Grapevine Handbook
Learn all about the Grapevine