Cooperation with the Professional Community

Current Chair: Colette H.

What is the Cooperation with the Professional Community Chair

The Mission of the Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) committee is to:

Carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the still suffering alcoholic;

Cooperate with nonalcoholic professionals in an effective way to provide information about AA to those that have contact with alcoholics through their profession. This group includes health care professionals, lawyers, union leaders, educators, members of the clergy, social workers, government workers, and industrial managers, as well as those working in the field of alcoholism.


Members of the Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) committees inform professionals and future professionals about AA. What we are, where we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do. We attempt to establish better communication between AA’s and professionals, and to find simple, effective ways of cooperating without affiliating.


The CPC Committee Member should consider the following tasks:

To read through the CPC Workbook; this is part of the CPC kit from the General Service Office (GSO) in New York. Everyone on the Committee should be familiar with the literature on working with the professionals before moving forward. It is essential to know about our different professional communities before contacting anyone.


Provide information about AA to professionals who deal with problem drinkers in the course of their work.

The CPC Committee work begins when a member drops a quiet word of AA to their doctors, clergy, or police representative. Some AA members or committees will hold a Professional luncheon and invite these community members to a presentation explaining our Traditions of what AA can and cannot do.

Committee Composition

The committee consists of the Chair, and current DCMs and GSRs who are assigned to the committee by the Area 78 Registrar for their two-year term of service. Others selected for the committee may include past Area 78 officers or long-time members recommended for their knowledge in CPC service work. Area 78 visitors may participate on this committee, but they do not have a vote.


Traditionally, the CPC Committee Chair maintains contact with District and Intergroup CPC committees throughout the Area 78 region, and includes their event highlights in the Chairs Report to the Area 78 Assembly.


  • Maintain Area wide CPC contact list for District and Intergroup CPC committees.
  • Ensure that the Committee functions properly.
  • Facilitate full participation during meetings.
  • Make certain that all relevant matters are discussed.
  • Insure that all committee decisions are recorded in the Area Minutes.
  • Report directly to the Area Assembly on pertinent committee decisions.
  • Travel to and present at workshops in the Area, upon request.
  • Transport and set up of equipment/displays at Area 78 Area Committee Meetings.
  • Produce a synopsis of the background information on the Conference Agenda Items assigned by the Delegate for the Pre-Conference Assemblies.
  • Co-operates with Public Information, Corrections and Treatment & Special Needs Committees, to carry a clear and concise message to the professionals.

Send an email to the CPC Chair by using the form below.

Alcoholics Anonymous has many A.A. members and service committees who are available to provide professionals with information about Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. has a long history of cooperating but not affiliating with outside organizations and being available to provide A.A. meetings or information about A.A. upon request. A.A. communicates with professionals such as: doctors or other health care professionals, members of the clergy, law enforcement or court officials, educators, social workers, alcoholism counselors, therapists, or others who deal with problem drinkers in the course of their work. To contact A.A., please Click HERE.

For Medical Professionals

Problems Other Than Alcohol

Our cofounder’s thoughts on the status of drug addicts within A.A. are as timely as when they appeared in a 1958 Grapevine.

The AA Member - Medications and Other Drugs

The A.A. Member—Medications and Other Drugs — Report from a group of doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous. A.A. members share their experience with medications and other drugs.

AA as a Resource for Medical Professionals

Gives information about the Fellowship and describes some approaches that health care professionals use in referring problem drinkers to A.A.

For Legal Professionals

Information on Alcoholics Anonymous

Sheet for P.I./C.P.C. use

If You Are a Professional

Directed at professionals of all types who deal with alcoholics; explains how A.A.s and non-A.A.s can work together.

A.A. in Your Community

Six-page folder explains how A.A. is geared to work in any community to help alcoholics. Prepared especially to help groups, central offices, and P.I. committees interpret A.A. to the community.

For Clergy

Members of the Clergy Ask About Alcoholics Anonymous

Introduction to A.A. for members of the clergy unfamiliar with the Fellowship; further discussion for those seeking greater understanding of its program.

Member’s-Eye View of Alcoholics Anonymous

Explains the A.A. program to social workers, counselors, physicians, and others in the alcoholism field. It also provides fresh insight into A.A. for all members.

A.A. in Your Community

Six-page folder explains how A.A. is geared to work in any community to help alcoholics. Prepared especially to help groups, central offices, and P.I. committees interpret A.A. to the community.

For Employers or Employee Assistant Professionals

Information on Alcoholics Anonymous

Sheet for P.I./C.P.C. use

Is There a Problem Drinker in the Workplace?

Of interest to management and union officials, this leaflet gives a concise description of the help A.A. can offer to the alcoholic employee. (Formerly “Alcoholics Anonymous and Employee Assistance Programs”)

A.A. in Your Community

Six-page folder explains how A.A. is geared to work in any community to help alcoholics. Prepared especially to help groups, central offices, and P.I. committees interpret A.A. to the community.