Area Guidelines

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How Area 78 endeavors to fulfill its mandate within the General Service Conference (GSC) structure.

Area 78 Overview


Area CommitteeComprises the Committee Officers and all district committee members – together, these are the committee members.
Committee OfficersTable Officers (6) and Committee Chairs (10)
Finance CommitteeTable Officers (6)
Table OfficersDelegate, Alternate Delegate, Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Past Delegate. Table Officers (except for Past Delegate) are elected every two years by General Service Reps. and District Committee Members.
Committee ChairsAre appointed by the current panel of Table Officers and the new ly elected Table Officers from standing or past District Committee Members. Committees are: Archives, Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), Corrections, Grapevine, Group Records/Registrar, Literature, Public Information, Remote Communities, Treatment Facilities, and E-Services
Area Committee MeetingHeld in January and May of each year, for District Committee Members, Committee Chairpersons, and Table officers. This meeting serves as a steering committee for the two Area Assemblies each year. Locations for Area Committee Meetings are selected by vote at the Area 78 Pre-Conference Assembly in March of each year which is held in Red Deer Alberta. (All AA members are welcome to attend)
Area AssemblyHeld in March and September of each year, in Red Deer, for General Service Representatives, District Committee members, and interested AA members. The March assembly is also known as the “Pre-Conference Assembly”. Business is restricted to consideration of items that the Delegate must cover in advance of attending the General Service Conference. Every second September (odd number years) Area Assembly is the Election Assembly
Past DelegateIs an automatic position, after having served as Delegate
Other PositionsThere are two appointed positions, which are not Committee Chairs: Archivist and Web Master. These positions require persons with specialized skills and/or training. These are open-ended terms, and position holders must be reaffirmed every two years at the election Assembly.
TermAll positions are for a two-year term and begin on January of the year following the election Assembly.